Total Body Balancing (TBB) is a total body evaluation and a 5-phase treatment approach. TBB uses long levers (arms, legs, head/neck or torso) and rhythmic mobilization to release tension in the muscles, fascia, joint capsules and ligaments to improve circulation, nerve, and energy flow. This helps to normalize sympathetic and parasympathetic neurological activity while the use of long levers maximizes effect with less effort on behalf of the practitioner. This long lever approach of rhythmic mobilization influences all systems of the body including the lymphatic, the visceral and the craniosacral, myofascial and musculoskeletal systems and serves as an overall support and integration for specific treatment. This is called a maximal approach and treats the body as a whole.
It has been the personal experience of course developer Dr. Kerry D'Ambrogio D.O.M., A.P., P.T., D.O.-M.T.P., and that of thousands of healthcare practitioners, that there is a tendency to treat the patient's symptoms at the site of pain instead of searching for the root cause of their complaint. The majority of feedback he receives from healthcare practitioners is that they understand how to perform the individual techniques taught in manual therapy courses but they have a difficult time knowing which techniques to use and how to integrate them during a treatment session. This seminar series has been designed to answer these questions.
You will learn to perform a full body evaluation (ARTS) and a five phase full-body treatment routine called "Total Body Balancing". TBB will help to improve the patient's biomechanical structure focusing on reducing muscle tension, fascial tension (including the fascial influence of the lymphatic system, the craniosacral system and visceral system), increasing joint mobility, and helping to restore proper joint biomechanics, functional ROM, balancing lines of tension and postural alignment. TBB also improves the patient's physiological function focusing on balancing organ mobility/motility, blood, lymph, body fluids, nerve, and energy flow while reducing swelling and pain. You will see immediate changes in your patient's pain and functional level. TBB can be used in the treatment of back pain, sciatica, neck pain, headaches, rib pain, upper and lower extremity orthopedic dysfunctions, swelling, and postural asymmetry. Because of the gentleness and effectiveness of TBB, it is appropriate for the following patient populations: pediatrics, geriatrics, sports injuries, auto accidents, general orthopedic conditions, amputees, respiratory, and neurological patients. You will be given a highly illustrated manual outlining each evaluation and treatment technique. This four day course involves a combination of theory, demonstration and hands-on practice. Evaluation and treatments will be performed by each participant using the methods taught. Plenty of time is allotted for hands-on practice as well as questions, discussion and review.
TBB, like all other manual techniques, begins with evaluation. You will learn to utilize the principles of ARTS to evaluate for The Total Body Lesion.
The A stands for Asymmetry: The practitioner evaluates the patient for Postural Asymmetry in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes in both standing and sitting. Which body part displays the greatest asymmetry?
The R stands for Range of Motion: The practitioner evaluates the range of motion (ROM) of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine, the rib cage, upper and lower extremities. You will learn to assess any restrictions to normal ROM during both active and passive movements.
The T stands for Tension Tests: The practitioner will perform tension tests for the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine, the rib cage, upper and lower extremities. Normally, when performing tension tests, the palpation should find a soft, supple and springy end feel. If the sensation is hard and restrictive, dysfunction is present.
The S stands for Special Tests: The practitioner will perform specific orthopedic tests to confirm your findings.
Once you have evaluated your patient (ARTS), you can perform a Total Body Balancing. Following treatment, a re-evaluation is performed to mark change. This will help to validate your work to your patient as well as indicate the need for further treatment.
Total Body Balancing
Maximal Approach: Follows the principle of holism as the practitioner evaluates and treats the body as a whole. The TBB classes are divided into four levels and each class is 4 days in length.
- Total Body Balancing 1: The TBB1 fundamentals class teaches you a full body evaluation focusing on ARS of the ARTS evaluation and a 5 phase rhythmic mobilization treatment template in the supine, prone, side lying, and sitting position. TBB uses long levers (arms, legs, head/neck or torso) and rhythmic mobilization to release tension in the fascia around muscles, diaphragms, bones, joint capsules and ligaments, foreign objects, organs, vital structures (nerves, arteries, veins and lymphatics) brain and spinal cord. TBB will also improve the flow of nerves, arteries, veins, lymphatics and energy flow to, within, and from every organ and body part in the body. This leads to homeostasis and improved health.
- Total Body Balancing 2: The TBB2 class reviews and expands upon the concepts and principles from TBB1. In this class, we will further your understanding of the evaluation (ARTS) of the spine, rib cage, pelvis/sacrum, upper and lower extremities and organ system. TBB2 will focus on the ability to evaluate and treat the entire body in the supine and prone positions. This is a significant skill when working with patients who are unable to sit or side lie. In this class, advanced long lever mobilization techniques will be taught in the supine and prone positions.
- Total Body Balancing 3: The TBB3 class reviews and expands upon the concepts and principles from TBB1 & TBB2. In this class, we will further your understanding of the evaluation (ARTS) of the spine, rib cage, pelvis/sacrum, upper and lower extremities and organ system. TBB2 will focus on the ability to evaluate and treat the entire body in the side lying and sitting positions. This is a significant skill when working with patients who are unable to lie supine or prone. In this class, advanced long lever mobilization techniques will be taught in the side lying and sitting positions.
- Total Body Balancing Advanced Integration 1: The TBBA1 class reviews and expands upon the concepts and principles from Level 1, 2 and 3 to enhance your skills and understanding of the use of TBB and its integration with other modalities taught by DAI such as Muscle Balancing, Joint Balancing, and Fascial Balancing. CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation and Lymphatic Drainage can also be integrated into the TBB template. In this class, we will introduce Activation Forces (respiration, neural reflexes, muscle contraction, impulse or recoil), which will augment your treatment outcomes. You will learn specific ARTS to help you decide which treatment modality to use, we will further your understanding of the use of the wedge, lever and screw. You will learn how to design an effective TBB treatment that meets the needs of your patient.
Course Objectives:
Total Body Balancing 1:
- You will learn the philosophy, general concepts and principles of TBB.
- You will learn to perform and document a full body evaluation, which consists of postural asymmetry, active and passive range of motion (spine, rib cage, pelvis/sacrum, upper and lower extremities, and diaphragms) and special tests (ARTS).
- You will learn a full body TBB template that can be performed in supine, prone, side lying and sitting positions. This will be the foundational template that we will build upon in subsequent levels.
Total Body Balancing 2:
- The TBB1 full body evaluation and treatment routine will be reviewed and reinforced.
- We will expand upon and add to the evaluation from TBB1 and introduce a full body ARTS evaluation in the supine and prone positions.
- We will introduce advanced long lever mobilization techniques that can be performed in the supine and prone positions.
Total Body Balancing 3:
- The TBB1 full body evaluation and treatment routine will be reviewed and reinforced.
- We will expand upon and add to the evaluation from TBB1 & 2 and introduce a full body ARTS evaluation in the side lying and sitting positions.
- We will introduce advanced long lever mobilization techniques that can be performed in the side lying and sitting positions.
- Our objective in TBB1, 2 & 3 is to teach you a full body evaluation and treatment approach that can be performed in either supine, prone, side lying or the sitting positions depending on the needs of the patient.
Total Body Balancing Advanced Integration 1 (TBBA1):
- We will review the full body evaluation from TBB1, 2 & 3 and make new distinctions. You will be introduced to Specific ARTS. You will learn to chart your results from your evaluation, prioritize your findings and formulate a treatment plan that can either address the entire body with TBB or a specific part of the body with another DAI treatment modality.
- We will review the TBB treatment template from Level 1, 2 & 3 and make new distinctions regarding the wedge, lever and screw.
- You will learn to integrate TBB with other treatment modalities taught at DAI such as Joint Balancing, Muscle Balancing and Fascial Balancing. CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation and Lymphatic Drainage can also be integrated into the TBB template.
- You will be introduced to Activation Forces: respiration, neural reflexes, muscle contraction, impulse or recoil, which will augment your treatment outcomes.